Dedi, call it so, is not a member
military or police. But his skills
shoot, can not be doubted. Frivolous, man
the mighty from Sumatra, has been since junior high
familiar with the rifle. He is now following
his uncle's footsteps as a hunter.
Initially wild birds to hunt.
Then increased hunting various types of
mammals in the deserted woods
evening. "That's almost as long as I do
twenty years since living in Yogyakarta (Indonesia), "
he says.
Sometimes in the forest area of operation around
Mount Merapi-Merbabu, Sindoro-cleft,
and forests around the reservoir
Kedungombo. Even sometimes up to
Slamet mountain region, Purwokerto. Almost
once a week hunting activities
performed. Steady time, since after Isha
until dawn.
In short, at a time when most people
being off work or sleeping soundly, then
Dedi precisely chose to be in the middle of the forest
watch every movement and sound. He was very
animal to be memorized
predation. One hint is
small glow in the dark
forest. Small beam which sometimes moves to
That's right-to left eye of a beam
At such times he was soon directing
equipped rifle telescope, then
pull the trigger, and bam ....!
If it were so, Smith was soon dashed
toward targeted by the newly
target, then deftly carrying and
incorporate the results into the prey
plastic sacks. "Most of the mongoose, sometimes
blacan and monkeys, "said Smith about the results
Smith returned last week hunting in depth
forest around the reservoir Kedungombo. That night
sunny weather, moon and stars
shining brightly. Not until one hour
she seemed to see a ray of light in the upper small
a wild trees. Dedi instinct as
Experienced hunters are very confident, that
sunlight monkey. So as usual he
immediately pointed guns and
shot. Strange, it still remains light
appear in the tree, but only slightly
shifted downward. The monkey was still strong
and survive by hanging on
bough, thought Smith.
To convince then he shot her
once again. Bam! Then,
Krasak ... krasaak ... thud ...! This time Dedi
really believe that the fall is
monkeys were exposed shot. He immediately
toward the direction of the voice in a way
half running. She was right. When
approached only within a distance of about one meter,
The monkey looks have collapsed.
Smith went about to lift the monkey
which presumably dying middle.
However, the monkey suddenly stood up slowly
and only the flash of the eye changes
the form of a female figure by gorilla
scary-faced giant. Dedi
spontaneously give forgiveness repeatedly.
"I do not know how many times I read seek forgiveness,
monkey figure suddenly changing
The giant woman disappeared from
eyes. Right then I ran
leave the place, "I Dedi, who since
The event is no longer dared venturing
Kedungombo region. According to the story
develops, the mysterious female figure
indeed often occur during the full moon.
Dedi, sebut saja begitu, bukanlah anggota
militer atau polisi. Tapi keahliannya
menembak, tak perlu diragukan. Karuan, lelaki
perkasa asal Sumatera ini, sudah sejak SLTP
akrab dengan senapan. Ia kini mengikuti
jejak pamannya sebagai seorang pemburu.
Mulanya burung-burung liar yang ia buru.
Lalu meningkat berburu berbagai jenis
binatang menyusui di hutan-hutan sepi pada
malam hari. “Itu saya lakukan hampir selama
dua puluh tahun sejak tinggal di Jogya,”
Daerah operasinya terkadang di hutan sekitar
gunung Merapi-Merbabu, Sindoro-Sumbing,
dan hutan-hutan di sekitar waduk
Kedungombo. Bahkan tidak jarang sampai ke
kawasan gunung Slamet, Purwokerto. Hampir
setiap seminggu sekali kegiatan berburu
dilakukan. Waktunya ajeg, sejak sehabis Isya
sampai Subuh.
Pendek kata, di saat kebanyakan orang
sedang istirahat kerja atau tidur pulas, maka
Dedi justeru memilih berada di tengah hutan
mencermati setiap gerak dan suara. Ia sangat
hapal terhadap binatang yang hendak
dimangsa. Salah satu isyaratnya adalah
pancaran sinar kecil di tengah kegelapan
hutan. Sinar kecil yang terkadang bergerak ke
kanan-ke kiri itulah sinar mata seekor
Pada saat demikian ia segera mengarahkan
senapannya yang dilengkapi teleskop, lalu
menarik pelatuk, dan dor....!
Kalau sudah begitu, Dedi pun segera berlari
menuju ke fokus sasaran yang baru saja
dibidik, lalu cekatan menenteng dan
memasukkan hasil buruannya ke dalam
karung plastik. “Kebanyakan luwak, kadang
blacan dan monyet,” ujar Dedi tentang hasil
Pekan lalu Dedi kembali berburu di kedalaman
hutan sekitar waduk Kedungombo. Malam itu
cuaca cerah, bulan dan bintang-bintang
bersinar terang. Belum sampai satu jam
tampak olehnya seberkas sinar kecil di atas
sebuah pohon pohon liar. Naluri Dedi sebagai
pemburu berpengalaman sangat yakin, itulah
sinar mata monyet. Maka seperti biasa ia
segera mengarahkan senapan dan
menembaknya. Aneh, sinar itu masih tetap
tampak di atas pohon, kecuali hanya sedikit
bergeser ke bawah. Monyet itu masih kuat
dan bertahan dengan cara menggelantung di
dahan, pikir Dedi.
Untuk meyakinkan maka ia menembaknya
sekali lagi. Dor! Lalu,
krasak...krasaak...gedebuk...! Kali ini Dedi
benar-benar yakin kalau yang jatuh adalah
monyet yang terkena bidikannya. Ia segera
menuju arah suara tadi dengan cara
setengah berlari. Dugaannya benar. Ketika
didekati hanya dalam jarak sekitar satu meter,
terlihat monyet itu telah tersungkur.
Dedi beranjak hendak mengangkat monyet
yang agaknya tengah meregang nyawa.
Namun monyet itu tiba-tiba perlahan berdiri
dan hanya dalam sekelebat mata berubah
bentuk menjadi sosok wanita sebesar gorila
raksasa yang berwajah menakutkan. Dedi
spontan mengucap istighfar berulang kali.
“Entah berapa kali saya membaca istighfar,
tiba-tiba sosok monyet yang berubah
seorang wanita raksasa itu lenyap dari
pandangan mata. Saat itu juga saya berlari
meninggalkan tempat,” aku Dedi, yang sejak
peristiwa itu tidak lagi .berani merambah
kawasan Kedungombo. Menurut cerita yang
berkembang, sosok wanita misterius itu
memang sering muncul pada saat purnama
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