Karikatur adalah gambar atau penggambaran suatu objek konkret dengan cara melebih-lebihkan ciri khas objek tersebut, biasanya objek tersebut adalah waja manusia. Kata karikatur berasal dari kata Italia caricare yang berarti memberi muatan atau melebih-lebihkan. Karikatur menggambarkan subjek yang dikenal dan umumnya dimaksudkan untuk menimbulkan kelucuan bagi pihak yang mengenal subjek tersebut. Karikatur dibedakan dari kartun karena karikatur tidak membentuk cerita sebagaimana kartun, namun karikatur dapat menjadi unsur dalam kartun, misalnya dalam kartun editorial. Orang yang membuat karikatur disebut sebagai karikaturis.
Karikatur sebagaimana yang dikenal sekarang berasal dari Italia abad ke-16. Pada abad ke-18, karikatur telah menjangkau masyarakat luas melalui media cetak dan, terutama di Inggris, telah menjadi sarana kritik sosial dan politis. Selain sebagai bentuk seni dan hiburan, karikatur juga telah digunakan dalam bidang psikologi untuk meneliti bagaimana manusia mengenali wajah.
Dalam membuat karikatur, karikaturis melakukan observasi untuk menentukan ciri khas yang membuat subjeknya berbeda dari orang lain, dan melebih-lebihkan ciri tersebut. Untuk itu, karikaturis membandingkan wajah subjeknya dengan wajah orang rata-rata, dan melebih-lebihkan perbedaannya. Misalnya, jika subjek karikatur memiliki hidung yang lebih panjang dibandingkan orang rata-rata, gambaran hidung subjek tersebut di karikaturnya akan jauh lebih panjang. Namun demikian, bagaimana ciri khas tersebut dilebih-lebihkan sering bergantung pada gaya menggambar masing-masing karikaturis.
Caricature is a drawing or depiction of a concrete object by way of exaggerating the typical object, the object is usually human waja. The word caricature comes from the Italian word meaning Caricare give load or exaggerate. Caricatures depict subjects that are known and are generally intended to cause cuteness for those who know the subject. As distinguished from the cartoon caricature caricatures cartoon does not form as stories, but it can be an element of caricature in a cartoon, for example in editorial cartoons. People who make a caricature called a caricaturist.Caricature as it is known today originated from 16th century Italy. In the 18th century, had caricature outreach through print media and, particularly in the UK, has become a means of social and political criticism. Aside from being a form of art and entertainment, caricature has also been used in psychology to examine how humans recognize faces.In caricature, caricaturists make observations to determine the characteristics that make a subject different from others, and exaggerating the traits. To that end, caricaturist comparing the subject's face with the face of the average person, and exaggerating the difference. For example, if the subject of caricature has a longer nose than the average person, the image of the subject in his caricatures nose would be much longer. However, how these characteristics are often exaggerated rely on drawing style of each cartoonist.
Caricature is a drawing or depiction of a concrete object by way of exaggerating the typical object, the object is usually human waja. The word caricature comes from the Italian word meaning Caricare give load or exaggerate. Caricatures depict subjects that are known and are generally intended to cause cuteness for those who know the subject. As distinguished from the cartoon caricature caricatures cartoon does not form as stories, but it can be an element of caricature in a cartoon, for example in editorial cartoons. People who make a caricature called a caricaturist.Caricature as it is known today originated from 16th century Italy. In the 18th century, had caricature outreach through print media and, particularly in the UK, has become a means of social and political criticism. Aside from being a form of art and entertainment, caricature has also been used in psychology to examine how humans recognize faces.In caricature, caricaturists make observations to determine the characteristics that make a subject different from others, and exaggerating the traits. To that end, caricaturist comparing the subject's face with the face of the average person, and exaggerating the difference. For example, if the subject of caricature has a longer nose than the average person, the image of the subject in his caricatures nose would be much longer. However, how these characteristics are often exaggerated rely on drawing style of each cartoonist.
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